I stared at that slate-sage-green-grey wall for about an hour doubting myself and finding reasons why I couldn't get started. I was thristy. Maybe I should go buy a Diet Coke. I needed something from the truck. Had to go to the bathroom. Where's my apron? Why did I wear these shoes? Are they going to stand there and watch me the whole time? It's not to late to run. Before I finally summoned up the courage to draw my design on the wall...in chalk first. Baby steps.
Hmm, that was easy. Now to add paint...
Oh, hey, whaddya know? I remember how to do this. Once I got started, the room came together relatively quickly- 9 hours from start to finish. Of course, I couldn't have done it without Katie's (the grandma-to-be) un-wavering support and fits of giggles followed with, "I love it! It's so cute!" All-in-all, I'd say it was a relatively painless experience...and not a fart cloud in sight!

more pictures of the mural in progress at: www.kodakgallery.com/mandeepaints/main/jungle_mural