mandee made

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A Hurricane of Productivity (sorry)

This weekend's hurricane turned out to be nothing more than a Summertime Nor'Easter, in my neighborhood at least.  It knocked down a couple of branches and soaked it's share of basements but all-in-all, I'd say she was pretty disappointing.  Our power didn't even go out!  How'm I supposed to get to use my brand new Eucalyptus & Mint scented "emergency" candle without a power outage?  Unbelieveable.  The real hurricane this weekend was in my studio. 

I hate myself for even saying that. 

But I really did get a lot done!  I finished the Hawaiian themed name plate for Maggie (top), made a couple monkeys, one for Kate to give to her friend she affectionatly refers to as " Monk" and another one just cause the first one was so cute (above), and I painted this:

It's a 12x14" chunk of softwood painted with acrylic paint and finished with a couple layers of polyurathane.  There's just a hint of raw wood left on the bottom, between the scales.  It's a neat piece for a room that needs a pop of color or a little playfullness.  More color combos/designs avaiable soon.

I didn't take a picture of the pile of the rest of the half finished projects I worked on this weekend though.  Maybe I'll show you when you're older.