If you're like me, when you see Halloween decorations for sale in July or Christmas decorations come out in August, you skip angry and go straight to irate. I mean, my sweet Summertime pedicure hasn't even worn off yet and I have to start thinking about my Halloween costume? Geesh!
I was complaining about this very topic when the husband said to me, "Christmas isn't that far away, I already started shopping." Mind= blown. Wow, I thought, maybe he's right. (NEVER tell him I said that!!)
So, in an effort to actually be prepared and not frantic-running-around-like-a-mad-woman come mid-December, I've decided to jump on the preparedness bandwagon and start making Christmas ornaments early this year, like the one above. More pictures here and here.
Here are some of my favorites from last year, below:
Email me with your ornament requests this year and I'll get them started.
Merry Christmas?