New Christmas window I painted in Peabody, MA this morning. 

Window painting is a cheap & easy way to decorate your house for Christmas without getting tangled up in extension cords or getting pine needles everywhere. Plus it's scientifically proven to provide you with 85% more "ooooo's" and "aaaaaaah's" than just decorating alone.
Here, I'll show you-
An average comment before window painting:
"that house looks nice."
and an average comment after window painting:
"oh my sweet baby Jesus look at that house!! it's incredible!! it's so festive and beautiful and...oh my stars is that GLITTER on his nose?!?!"
See? At least 85% more freak out every time! It's science.
This window was contracted by Karyn McGovern who is a fellow crafter & Glitter enthusiast. She made this uh-dorable Grinch bow below and sells them on her website RhinestoneObsessions. Super the cutest.
Happy Friday!!