Nothing to see here, just a pickle turkey in Jordans.
You know, just your standard turkey with pickles feathers rockin' Ray Bans
and some first edition Jordans.
This guy has gotten the Humpty Dance stuck in my head AAAAALLLLLLLLL
day long! (Much to my husband's chagrin)
"My nose is big, nu-uh, I'm not ashamed,
Big like a pickle, I'm still gettin' paid..."
Semi-Girly Owl Triptych
Some girly owls in response to the below owls painted for a little boy's room. They're a little softer and a little pinker but still the same idea.
You can see the link to them on my Etsy shop here.
Sophie's Safari
24"x36" wall size custom canvas painting for Sophie.

Including her name, date-of-birth and her favorite little Caterpillar.
I'm always accepting commissions for custom artwork and quotes are always free.
CONTACT ME if you have any questions or want a painting of your own!
Owls for a Fish
A trio of owls for baby Fish's* nursery in Cambridge.
*Fish is short for baby's last name: Fischer.
Contact me if you'd like some of your own.
It's Thanksgiving, Charlie Brown!
Thanksgiving is in 7 days!! That means I can put my Christmas tree up in 8 days! Best news ever!!
This year I'm thankful for so many things but I'm most thankful for my disappearing waistline. My husband and I are expecting our first child in just 6 weeks and for that I couldn't be more thankful.
Happy Thanksgiving Everyone!
Holme's Farm Mobile Farm Stand
Long time no talk, huh? If you've wondered where I've been for most of June, the short answer is Manomet. The long answer is that I've been spending every free moment I have down in Manomet, MA (just South of Plymouth) transforming this gigantic white trailer into a mobile barn (complete with a cow, pig and full vegetable garden) for the wonderful women of Holmes Farm's brand new mobile farm stand.
This monsterous trailer needed to be sanded, primed, painted, resanded, repainted, drawn on, painted on and sealed all by hand and all during a particularly rainy June while all-the-while being parked outside in the elements. It was definitely a labor of love and I couldn't have done it without the help I got from Jeremy, Liz and Jennifer. Thank you guys so much!!
There are 2 ways to see the trailer in action- you can either go directly to Holmes Farm on Saturdays and support their farm stand or catch them at the Plymouth Farmer's Market every Thursday at Plymouth Plantation.
I can't believe I'm (almost) done! I'm as happy as a pig in...uh, mud.
Delicious Vegetarian Chicken Recipe
This is by far the best vegetarian chicken I've ever tasted.
I made this small chicken army for Easter but these
would also be lovely for a farm themed birthday, a
Spring celebration or just cause they're adorable.
would also be lovely for a farm themed birthday, a
Spring celebration or just cause they're adorable.
Recipe from Martha Stewart.
From Farm to Table: Farm Fresh Easter Eggs
Picture property of Hannah Whipple
Recently my Jeremy and I went to visit some friends in Plymouth, MA (home of Plymouth Rock) and see their new home (it's lovely in case you're wondering). They're situated on about 2 acres of land and have a good size garden and a chicken coop complete with five chickens all in the prime egg laying time of their lives- about 2 1/2 years old.
Picture property of Hannah Whipple
I've always been told that farm fresh eggs are far superior to the eggs we're used to buying in the grocery store but had never really tested the theory, until now. When I asked our friends if farm fresh is indeed better, they made that "seriously?" face and insisted that we take home a couple of eggs to try.
Happy Easter everyone! Thanks Hannah!