Toomey A Favor: Hand Painted Sign
My friend Danielle can't draw. I tell you this because, while she can't physically draw anything herself, it doesn't stop her from needing things drawn constantly. Get Well signs, Birthday cards, kitchen name it. And most of the time, when she needs one of these graduation/bar mitzvah/baby shower signs made she comes to me and says, "hey Mandee, do me a favor?" and after hearing that phrase over and over ad naseaum, she earned herself the nickname "Toomey a favor". (Her last name being, of course, case you didn't get that.)
Her most recent request to "Toomey a Favor" was one of my favorite projects of the Summer so far. Her family has a little lake house with a dock that needed replacing and when the old dock was torn up, Danielle, never one to miss out on a project, saved some of the weathered chunks of it and brought them to me. And they are awesome!
They are perfect and raw and full of stories never told. I wanted to keep the integrity of the wood but make it more weather-resistant so I whitewashed the front planks and secured them together with some twine to add to the just-off-the-boat, nautical look of it. Then I painted a gigantic anchor on it, symbolizing the Toomey family's anchoring down and establishing roots, their name & wedding date and I'm really happy with the results.
Now I just need to figure out the perfect thing to paint on my section of the dock. Maybe something in a giant serpent lady with wings and an American flag halter top? You know, something classy. Ideas welcomed.
Sadie the Incredible Mermaid Girl: D.I.Y. Traveling Side Show Mermaid Baby Costume
This year was my baby girl's first halloween as a dress-up-able-human and it was imperative that she have the perfect first Halloween costume. I had originally had my heart set on her being the bearded lady in a side show but when she wouldn't leave the beard on I decided to take advantage of the fact that she's not walking yet and put her in some sort of a sack costume which also meant that I would need to decorate her stroller...which naturally led me to make her the Incredible Mermaid Girl in a traveling side show!
I created her stroller cover using foam core as the fish tank frame; blue fabric, glitter tulle & clear plastic Christmas ornaments for the water; and foam core for the signage & held it all together using a glue gun. I attached the whole contraption to the stroller (a Britax B-agile) using Velcro Garland Tie and all that was missing was a fat little mermaid to go inside.
Enter one fat little mermaid.
I have a tutorial on how to make the shell top for the costume here
& the mermaid tail tutorial is in the works!
I'd love to see pictures of your home-made Halloween costumes. Happy Be-lated Halloween!!
Christmas here we come!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
It's here! It's here! It's FLUFF FEST!!
Today is Fluff Fest in Union Square and I am bursting at the seams with excitement! If you have been anywhere near me for the last month or so I've probably already told you that I am the Official 2013 Fluff Festival Sign Painter!! (A title I gave myself) I've been working dilligantly for weeks now trying to get all 23 signs and 5 trophies done and I can't wait to see them in action at the festival!
Fluff Fest was started in 2005 by Mimi Graney who is the Head Lady in Charge (also I title I created) over at Union Square Main Streets. She is in charge of all things Union-Square from craft shows to farmer's markets and everything in between. This is the 8th year of the Fluff Fest and they are anticipated THOUSANDS of attendees!!
...Which means of course that THOUSANDS of people are going to see my signs!!! I can't wait. It starts at 3pm and goes to 7:00 there are games and performances and a cooking contest and of course PRIZES!!
Maybe I'll see you there. I'll be the one taking selfies with all of the signs. :)
Happy Fluff Fest!!!
You can see pictures of all of my little babies at my gallery page: and you can learn more about Fluff Fest at the Union Square Main Streets website.
I joined a sorority!

Ioma Gamma Upsilon's colors are ultramarine & green and they wanted an all-over floral print on the letters. I created a custom light teal color for the background and then did a simple white, blue & green design over the entire surface. I also sealed the letters with a matte clear coat so that they wouldn't have a glare during photo shoots but would be resistant to beer-bong mishaps. (Or is that just in fraternities? ...Either way.)
Now, before you tell me how great my all-over design is, because I can tell you're dying to...I have a confession...this is actually my best-friend Liz's design. It's what happens when she's distracted and doodling. These awesome little flowers and swirls just pour out of her pen...and then I snatch them up and make them life size on huge letters. That's what friends are for, right?? Thanks Liz!!
Sadie's all ready to pledge. Get this girl a paddle!
Two Little Monkeys Window Painting
Earlier this week I was invited down to paint the windows at Two Little Monkeys, a children's consignment shop in my neighborhood by the owner, Sarah. Sarah buys & sells gently used kid's clothes, baby swings, strollers, baby carriers, bikes, name it, she sells it. (And at incredibly reasonable prices I might add.)
The store front has 8 windows at is about 20' long.
I used Sarah's existing monkey characters but gave them both the signature cheesy grin that you'll find on all of my own characters. The monkeys are having a water fight with the hose to beat this oppressive July heat here in Boston. (Though as I type this it's a dreamy 70 degrees outside and you could even get away with wearing a hoodie. Eep!)
I also added the shop's logo right on the center glass at eye level for greater visibility for passersby. (I love that word.)
Contact me if you have a window that could use some love. The designs are waterproof but also easily removed. Perfect if you're renting or if you just have commitment issues.
Enjoy the rest of your Summer!!
Skeletons in my Closet
Post-Nuptial Pity Party
Along with flowers and pollen Spring has brought us another of it's joys, wedding season! A lot of people hate having to go to weddings and loathe this time of year but I find I'm almost totally the opposite. I love going to weddings. I love seeing my friends all dolled up, making wedding presents, eating free food, gushing over the bride, judging seeing how everything is decorated and of course, the dance party.
So why is it that this year while I'm seeing all of these adorable wedding ideas and blogs posts about weddings am I sad rather than eager to read all about them? Why did I get bummed when I saw the cutest wedding aisle dance party on Offbeat Bride yesterday? Why did I want to punch a bunny when I saw the backdrop of my dreams on GreenWeddingShoes?
I'll tell you why, it's because I'm suffering from a delayed case of PNDS: Post-Nuptial Depression Syndrome. Basically, planning a wedding was the funnest thing I've ever done and I want to do it over and over again until I get it exactly right but I can't. My time has passed. All of the awesome-ness and excitement over this one day is over and now I'm left with nothing but hilarious memories and a wonderful husband. Life is so unfair.
So I'm throwing myself a photographic pity party and you're invited. The dress is casual, the menu cake. Photos provided by Meredith Mascola. I'll be not looking at wedding blogs if you need me.
Thankfully my friend Annie- resident of Cake Town- is getting married this Summer. Maybe she has an opening for a wedding day busy body so that I can get back in the game.
Quick Fix: Forgetting to Buy Flowers on Valentine's Day
Whether you forgot to buy flowers this morning and are looking for a quick cover-up or you just wanted to make breakfast in bed for Sweetie, here are two quick ideas that turn regular Valentine's breakfast-in-bed into something a little more special.
Then, using a piece of paper, a skewer (or a chopstick), a marker and some tape, make an adorable note to stick into those delicious pancakes you made.
Serve your pancakes on tray with some tea, juice and little paper hearts and now Sweetie thinks you are just the most thoughtful person, going through all that trouble just for them! You shouldn't have.
Happy Valentine's Day!!
<3 mandee rae & purdy
Rudolph the Red Nosed Window
Over the weekend I painted a Rudolph themed Christmas Window in Melrose, MA.
Starting on the left side of their big bay window with a sign for the North Pole...
And continuing around to the right side finishing it all off with a Christmas Tree.
Candy cane letters spell out Merry Christmas above this little reindeer family while perfect white snowflakes fall all around them.
The owner's of the house are the proud parents of a 1 and a 1/2 year old little girl, represented by this little mini Rudolph with a present for a tail because her Mom says, "she's my little present." I die!
And, in case you were worried that I did an entire painting without Glitter, rest assured that the Mom's bow is Glittery. I wouldn't do you like that.
E is for Ella
Ella's Mom just re-did her room for her and ordered these letters to complete the transformation. Her room is now a bright mint green with a coordinating green and pink bedspread and I'm told these letters look great hung on her wall.
Each letter is painted on a big ol' 10"x10" square canvas which means that when it's hung on the wall 2" apart, this piece takes up a full four feet of wall space. This type of painting is an excellent option for renters who can't paint their walls but are looking for a big piece of artwork for a focal wall. They take up a lot of space without being too busy.
As always, special requests like this are welcome and encouraged. Email me if you have questions or for pricing info. Makes a great Christmas present!
Aden's Pet Dinosaur
Just listed this custom picture frame for Aden on my Etsy page.
10"x11" kickstand picture frame with a 3"x5" opening hand painted with acrylic paint and sealed with acrylic sealer to protect from sticky fingers. Makes an excellent gift!
***I will only accepting Christmas orders until Dec. 5th this year because of holiday travel mid month so please get your order in soon if you'd like to commission a custom piece of artwork.***
Christmas is only 45 days away!!
Wedding Wednesday: Tchotchke Centerpiece/Favors
...and with a little less than 5 hours left of this beautiful, rainy Wednesday I bring you:

Picture by Kristen Mallory
For a full year before my wedding I collected tchotchkes from junk shops, second hand stores, garage sales and of course, Etsy to create my combination centerpiece/favors.
There were a couple of rules for collecting these hollow treasures, they needed to be:
a. planters
b. under $7 (american currency) and
c. a little "off"....not exactly ugly, just "off".
To make them into centerpieces was truly a family affair. We (my 4 year old flowergirl, Sister and I) planted succulents in all of the tchotchkes, put them on wooden disks (cut especially for me by my loving Father), accompanied them with precious little terra cotta pots filled with small white flowers (put together by Lady, my Mom) added hand stamped signs (Made by Liz) that said, "take me home tonight!" and then they were all artfully arranged on each table by my BFF, Gina Marie.
Pictures by Meredith Mascola
The results were 100% unique, semi home-made, adorable little bits of precious that I could hardly stand to give away!! These were SUCH a huge hit I was blown away! People were hiding them from each other and stealing them off tables all night. I personally saw the squirrel change hands at least 3 times, I'm still hearing stories about who the rightful owner should be. And now the fun part is finding out where all of them went. I love going to friend's houses and seeing which planter everyone ended up with (aka who swiped what while no-one else was looking!)
TWO WEEKS until National Taco Day
I can't believe Taco the Art Show is only 2 weeks away!
flyer by Scott Murry
There will be a free raffle, $1 mini tacos, $5 margaritas and a prize for the finest taco accessory.
Bring the kids and don't forget to wear your best taco hat! See you there!
Phantom Pharm Stands
For as long as I can remember I've always loved the adorable signs found at Farm Stands and cute little side-of-the-road shops. In fact, a lot of times I stop at farm stands just to check out their signs.
Recently I came across this big piece of plywood in the scrap pile at the Home Depot that was practically begging to have an ear of corn painted on it. I promptly took it home (then left it in my to-do pile for about a month) and was only too happy to oblige.
So now I have this big 4" tall painting of an ear of corn with some Fresh Prince-esque writing on it and no farm stand to speak of...well, except this one that I painted on a window:
Know anybody with a farm stand who could use some sprucing up? I'd love to paint them some giant pumpkins for the Fall or some big ol' baskets of apples. And I'm willing to trade.
If you know anyone who might be interested have them email me. Thanks!
I Love Fabric Bliss!
head crafty lady and Owner of Fabric Bliss in Denver, CO.
Not only is Aurora a super duper double crafty lady, business owner, cat lover and hockey playing bad ass, she is also the most thoughtful and talented girl in the Northern 48 States.
When I approached Aurora with the idea of making bow ties for my wedding in May she not only shared my enthusiasm for the project but took it to a whole 'nother level with multiple emails on color selection and fabric choices and she even sent me an entire Excel spread sheet dedicated to the topic. Amazing!
And the results were spectacular:
The boys all loved their bow ties, even if they needed youtube to teach them how to tie them, and it added such a special, personal touch to our wedding day.
Thank you SO much Aurora! Love you!!
Please, have a kidney...really.
*Acrylic paint on 5"x7" mini gallery wrapped canvas.
After everything she and her assistant photographer/husband did for us before, during and after our recent wedding, just sending a thank you card would have been an insult. Hopefully this better captures how grateful we are for everything they did for us.
We love you guys!!!
the Dry Erase Farmer's Market in Real Life
July's second drawing on the Exit sign at my real job is of a local Farmer's Market (which you can hardly read because apparently it's time for new dry erase markers, buy anywho) inspired by a friend of mine (I painted the signs for her wedding, remember?) who recently left her own "real" job and is taking the reigns at a seasonal store in Plymouth, MA that is half farmers market/half ice cream shop, with a hot dog stand and an antique section for good measure and soon to be selling local arts and crafts along with ready made food items. Got all of that?
Aaaaaand, do you know who'll be making all of the shabby chic, old school Plymouth looking lobster signs and giant ears of corn to decorate/advertise this new-to-her shop?
That's right! It's me!! It's all terribly exciting.
I'm hoping to get down there this weekend to get a better idea of what I need to make. More to come, stay tuned!
Happy 4th!
Lobsta Shack
Fonzie (pictured below) & I painted this piece of found wood for a customer with a thick Boston accent and a collection of washed ashore buoys to hang on his shed. It's been painted, distressed and left un-sealed to allow the sign to weather naturally in the hot New England Summer sun.
How anyone gets anything done without Fonzie's help is beyond me. Here he is double checking my letter spacing. What would I do without him?